
Yoga Pilates


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Pilates Yoga, get a good workout. He uses breathing techniques to keep the mind focused and increase efficiency. The movements flow from the spine and posture, and balance predominates.Initially he used the help of some springs. Now over the years many Pilates machines have been developed. These use springs, pulleys and weights, and over the years have become very com...more
Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 2)
...e mistakes, and none of us wants to have them in print, but some are preventable. Here are some guidelines for Yoga teachers to consider when teaching their students. As a leader and role model, your ethical behavior will be duplicated by your Yoga students.There is no need for an air of superiority within the Yoga class. Everyone is good...more
Which Type of YOGA is best?
...wn as power yoga. This form is very demanding and is suitable only for the very fit. But if you want ultra-toned muscles like Madonna, give it a go! ;)If you want to get spiritual…* Raja yoga - also known as royal yoga. Tis is more concerned with the mind* Dru yoga - group yoga which concentrates heavily on breath work* Jnana ...more
Yoga Exercises - Yoga Music The Call Of The Forest v Swan Lake affect if those graceful moves were performed to the tune of I`m a Yankee Doodle dandy.Invigorating noises that please the mind can help improve yoga exercise. The word Yoga is like music to some people`s ears due to the fact that they get to keep in shape while increasing lubrication of the ligaments, tendons and joints.Health matters are behind many a person`s involvement with yoga be...more
The Roots of Hatha Yoga
... man named Yogi Swatmarama, a yoga sage in 15th and 16th century India. Known for calmness and peacefulness, Yogi Swatmarama is a name that has now become synonymous with delight, one who paved the way for an exercise that enhances the mind, body and spirit. He began with Hatha Yoga by writing the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a Sanskrit that was based on Swatmarama’s own experiences as wel...more


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