
Berkshire Teacher Training Yoga


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Berkshire Teacher Training Yoga Information


Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Sitting Forward Bend
...ker. While doing this asana give some time for the muscles to stretch and to release the tension. Often, because of tightness in the back of the legs many students do not go very far forward. For those who find it difficult to do the full Sitting Forward Bend they can do the half pose using the right leg and the right hand at a time for a few brea...more
Yoga Postures For Kids
...ntain is done in a seemingly simple standing movement that requires a lot of movement and breathing exercises to be performed at one time.The Uttanasana II is a forward bend or extension movement of yoga postures for kids that stretches the legs and spine, and provides rest to the heart and neck. The Uttanasana II also relaxes the mind of the child, as well as the body. Spo...more
Yoga - One Size Doesn't Need To Fit All
...ving into your best imitation of the perfect position can begin to produce the health benefits associated with Yoga. Second, learning yoga breathing techniques and practicing this as you perform the movements and asanas (not to mention you daily activities) can also produce benefits in both your mental and physical heal...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management - Identify the Cause
... worst. Small daily problems tend to add up over a period of time, until we feel like we are ready to "burst at the seams."Some people keep their feelings to themselves. Unfortunately, this is much like placing a time bomb in the middle of a toxic waste dump. The more we hold our emotions in, the mo...more
Yoga Basics
...l aspect of an individual. At present the word yoga is used synonymously with asana.Many people viewed yoga as a type of stretching exercise. Although there is some truth to it but the stretching involved in yoga are designed to create a sense of balance that does not only strengthen the body but makes it flexible. This explains why people who are into yoga can bend ...more


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