
Dei Yoga Teacher Training


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Chakrabhedan (Circle-Interception) - A New Kind of Yogic Exercise
... that germs causing disease are killed; deposits in veins and arteries are removed and mind gets concentrated. As gold is purified by burning, so heat generated from Yoga removes or kills germs or foreign matter from the body. Further in yogic exercise mind remains within the body and thereby gets concentrated.My Yoga Master Lat...more
The Basics of Yoga
...classified into eight limbs. Mental and physical exercises make up four of the limbs, with meditation comprising the other four limbs. In yoga, breath is the most important part of health since it is the life source. Many people think yoga is just stretching. Yoga is more about creating balance between the mind and body using strength and flexibility.A typical yoga routine...more
Benefits Of Padangusthasana
...not even look at the warning signs our body sends to us. This exercise helps in removing the bloating feeling caused by the indigestion and gastric troubles. It stretches most parts of your body like back, spine and legs which also plays a major role at the time of conception. Your knees are strengthened; the pres...more
Yoga and Losing Weight
...formed during a Hatha yoga class. Improved circulation increases energy levels, dispelling fatigue and allowing you to be more active. After practicing yoga for awhile, you will want to take the stairs!Yoga improves one's idea of self-worth, and that is the beginning of any path to improved health or appearance. Instruc...more
Yoga in Practice: The Impact of Yoga Teachers on Society - Part 2
...y true when history is most often recorded by the victors.Meditation creates rational thought and is one of the keys to Jnana Yoga. This will also aid you in your connection to spiritual health. Meditate on God long enough and you will realize our petty human differences are an illusion held together by the ego.The ...more
