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Fitness Routines & Yoga Practices
...nd glutes, improve postural alignment and core strength and to stretch adductors. Standing with feet a leg length apart on a sticky mat (to improve traction and provide some cushioning), turn your right foot out 90-degreesand the left foot 45 degrees. Keeping the pelvis level, bend the right knee so that it is directly over...more
Yoga for Kids: Building Self-Image, Part 2
...te themselves in a positive way, and the study of Yoga can give any child self-empowerment. When children gather and participate in Yoga instruction on a steady basis, they also make new friends. The parents who send their children to study Yoga sincerely care.Therefore, any child who learns Yoga is surrounded by children of “like-minded” p...more
How To Become A Certified Yoga Instructor At Any Age prefer to become a yoga instructor from home, you can search online to find the right online yoga instructor for yourself.It is best to choose the online course that provides a minimum of 200 hours of yoga classes as this is a criterion that has to be met for one to become a certified yoga instruct...more
Universal Laws of Yoga - Part 2
...n. There is nothing wrong with earning a living or bettering yourself, but you should always help anyone you can.As a Yoga practitioner, you are an ambassador of Yoga. An “air of superiority” should be avoided by all Yogis and Yoginis. This is seen as arrogance, and arrogance is only needed to bolster t...more
Yoga For Smoking Cessation - A Striking Measure That Can Make Your Dreams Come True
...ered the lives of Hollywood celebrities.Mind my facts guys for it is no longer a secret that yogic influence has enabled the erstwhile 'Friends' star Jennifer Aniston to get rid of smoking addiction and caffeine intake and now she is utterly free from the clutches of those vices. Hey, it is not a cooked up story; your favorite J...more


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