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What is Fitness-Yoga?
... Yoga is often a form of exercise that is associated with meditation, breathing exercises or seemingly impossible positioning of the body in awkward looking poses. However, there may be more to it as everyone now seems to be doing a different kind of Yoga: Fitness Yoga.Though, this new exercise trend may seem new, Fitness-Yoga is actually more than 5, 000 years...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspects - Teach your Students about Tranquility
...liss, wholeness, and tranquility, without all the dogma.The Yoga teacher's mission is to guide students, when they need our help. We can accomplish this by letting them breathe and practice beyond the classroom. This is the only way a student can become self-sufficient. We cannot hover over our students like concerned foster parents, because we would take away th...more
Why is Teaching Yoga so Rewarding? Part 1
...any ailment, but Yoga can offer less pain, pain management, and sometimes, pain goes away altogether. Your students will definitely tell you what Yoga does for them.The gratification of helping others, on a daily basis, is spontaneous. This cultivates positive energy from within the core of your inner being. You ...more
How Yoga Works for Weight Loss
...regulate the mechanism of the thyroid gland in the neck, all of which help boost your metabolism.4. Yoga gives you energy and increases flexibilityBy calming you and gently working on your muscles and increasing the levels of oxygen in your blood and to your brain, you finish a yoga practise (once you are used to the mov...more
Raja Yoga – Gaining Complete Control of Mind for Deep Meditation
...Complete Control of Mind for Deep Meditation Raja Yoga involves exact meditation techniques which lead to experiences of the truth and finally achieve liberation.The basic breathing techniques of Raja yoga to gain control over the mind and experience deep meditation are outlined below.Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, and Raja Yoga are considered the four main yogas, but there...more


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