
Yoga Zone Dvd


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Prenatal Yoga is More than Classes for Pregnant Yoga Students
...s. We did manage to place her in a Prenatal Yoga class, with her doctor’s permission, and later she did have a healthy baby.Supervised Prenatal Yoga is a very good thing for expectant mothers, but many people are under the mistaken impression that because Hatha Yoga is a “low impact exercise class” in compa...more
Yoga Positions For Beginners - Be the Tortoise, Not the Hare
...ou to release tension from your entire system.Essentially, you must learn to 'listen' to what your body is telling you; don't push too hard for too long. Your capabilities WILL improve over time but if you initially attempt too much then injury could result and this will set you back even further. A yoga instructor is necessary to...more
Yoga Myth - Yoga is Not a Spiritual Practice
... a class.For most of us, the mental, emotional, and spiritual, planes of existence are developed as we age. The same is true within Yoga practice. As we continue to practice, and the years go by, we begin to realize the many benefits, which are not physical.If we practice Yoga for decades, we are at peace with ourselves and our surroundings. ...more
Health Benefits of Yoga
...or improved enthusiasm for life, and a higher sense of alertness and awareness of themselves and the world and people around them. They have also reported decreased levels of aggressiveness, anxiety, and excitability, as well as lowered levels of physical complaints and illnesses.Scientific observation and testing is now bearing out what...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga and Arthritis, is an essential part of yoga. Yoga is not about competition; this should be a core value already present in your instruction.Single leg raises, shoulder stretches, and neck exercises, are a good start to get the student ready for more challenging poses. Hand clenching, and wrist bending, will help those with arthritis in the hands and arms. Ankle bending and rotation increase circulation...more


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