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Benefits Of Padangusthasana
.... When these muscles are stretched they make your body more agile and fit. It helps to strengthen the other muscles which would help in recuperating your tired body. The less stress you give to your important organs it would work in a better fashion and helping your health.With the improper diet, many of us suf...more
What is Yoga?
...people that perform yoga. Yoga brings emotional and physical health together that causes a very powerful response. Yoga is practiced to balance an individuals life so they can enjoy good health and overall well-being. We will be discussing in more detail on this site poses, practice and classes.Yoga is definitely more than just s...more
Yoga: Far More Than a 5,000-Year Old Trend
... system. • Enhanced self awareness. • Decreased the risk of injury. ...more
Sanskrit Baby Names
...e sound, and magical connotation of the baby names. Also, the Hindu religion and Yoga are increasing in popularity.Sanskrit is an Indo-European language which is the basis for many languages in India. The language is one of the 23 official languages of India. Sanskrit can be seen in ancient literature which includes poetry, d...more
The Origins of Yoga
...sutra centers on your concentration. It's to help you in developing a one-mindedness that, special concentration techniques to enable you to focus only on your inner world.Dhyana is translated as contemplation. You merge with your inner self and your image of concentration. You use the time to reflect on y...more


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