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Yoga for Beginners - Useful Tips for Beginners
...the suitable space for your yoga practice. The perfect setting should be well ventilated, have natural light and be free from disturbance and interruptions.. Practice on a carpet or a mat sufficient for you to stretch out on. Have a central point, such as a painting you especially enjoy or a pretty plant, for balancing exercises that require a fixed look. It is usually suggested that yoga ...more
What to Look for When Hiring a Yoga Teacher (Part 1)
...e much easier to get. Therefore, all Yoga teachers have to jump through the new “flaming hoops.”What Guru or Yoga Master trains the best teachers? Competence has little to do with who a Yoga teacher’s Guru - is or was. The Guru is not teaching this Yoga teacher’s class. The real question is: How will t...more
Major Health Benefits of Yoga Exercise
...a and everything in between.Regardless of which form or style of yoga exercise that you choose, there are some major benefits that you can expect to achieve from yoga.The first benefit that comes to mind is increased flexibility. Many exercise programs focus on building up muscles through weight training. There is nothing w...more
Yoga - One Woman's Silver Lining to Cancer
...errie took a yoga class and began practicing yoga at home. Still incredibly weak, Kerrie was only able to practice yoga for five minutes a day. But she stuck with it and gradually got stronger. Soon Kerrie was strong enough to take an Ashtanga class at Yoga Yoga in Austin, Texas, where she especially relished the after-class inspirational readings about the eternal nature of our souls. ...more
The Common Element Between the Six Branches of Yoga - Yoga
...r to ensure that we're being the people that we want to be. That's what Yoga is.People have a serious misconception about the yogic arts. They think that the goal is to twist our bodies into pretzel-like formations. Until people develop their understanding further, they do not realize that the primary goal of Yoga is for the betterment and broadening of the mind. The conce...more


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