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Secrets To Performing Yoga Postures
...athing through the nose. Hold this yoga posture for about twenty seconds. Then you should slowly go back to standing position. Once you are at the starting position you can release your arms.The wind relieving yoga postureThe following yoga posture will stretch your spine and will help the digestion of the stomach. It is always a positive aspect to have a good stom...more
The Link Between Yoga, Mindfulness, and Weight Loss (Part 1)
...back to the point.So, female fitness, nutrition, and medical experts will confirm what most of them already know. Yoga is a complete health maintenance system and has been for around 5,000 years.When a Yoga student becomes serious about practicing on a regular basis, this is a lifestyle change. Burning over 200 calories per hour in a gentle or Restorative Yoga class is not...more
Meditation - Relaxation and Spiritual Exploration
...n, and their long lives just goes to show how beneficial meditations and yoga's can be.When I first became interested in meditation, I had no idea where to start. I felt lost. I needed some form of spiritual guidance, however, I was not prepared to pay out hundreds of dollars in the hopes of finding what I was looking for. I didn't know the difference between New Age techniq...more
Did You Get Hurt Taking Yoga?
...example, if you have had back surgery, then there are many asanas that are detrimental for you. Such a person would need to seek an educated yoga instructor who has the necessary expertise and background to guide them appropriately. Yoga is beneficial to people with back ailments, as long as you know the correct method of practi...more
Yoga Myth - Yoga is Not a Spiritual Practice
...xistence are developed as we age. The same is true within Yoga practice. As we continue to practice, and the years go by, we begin to realize the many benefits, which are not physical.If we practice Yoga for decades, we are at peace with ourselves and our surroundings. The many benefits of Yoga are not visible to the human eye. If a person has stress under control, good health, pea...more


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