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The Sacred Scriptures of Hinduism
...supreme teaching of the Vedas and Upanishads is that these books are not the ultimate truth. The Upanishads are like a stepping stone to the real spiritual consciousness. This transcendental consciousness far transcends the domain of name, form and the human intellect. Sri Chinmoy says that the most important message the Vedic Seers offered was only to meditate and me...more
The Health Benefits Of Yoga
...ealth benefits of yoga act in various ways on the different parts of the body. The revitalization and manipulation of the organs for example, in turn helps us by repelling sickness and providing a forewarning at the first conceivable instance of a most likely outbreak of disease or health problem.An example of the complex benefits of Yoga is th...more
Coping Strategies - Yoga For Menopause Relief
... called counter postures. Counter postures are an important follow-up to doing certain asanas. They can help prevent injury, just as the preparatory postures do.There is somewhat contradictory advice given to women going through menopause who want to practice yoga. Many books encourage gentle, nurturing poses ...more
Yoga Teacher Certification for the Rich and Famous
...d that we do not need to feed, house, or supply hundreds of Yoga interns. On top of that, there are no transportation costs to be concerned with, when using a Yoga home study course. The only cost is for materials, tutoring, and Yoga teacher certification.Further, I explained that to be trained in a face-to-face setting, by a Master Yoga Teach...more
Why Does the Western Public Desire Pilates?
...any Yoga students enjoy the holistic approach, which Yoga takes toward health, but for some students, japa (repetition of mantras), or meditation, may feel very uncomfortable.Let’s look at this situation closely. Some people feel uncomfortable because japa is commonly practiced in Sanskrit, and they do not comp...more


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