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The Purpose of Yoga - Cultivating Positive Relationships
...ent for “practice.” You should be present for your practice, but Yoga practice is one matter; life is not a rehearsal. We can perform any number of physical feats on our Yoga mats, but do we apply Yogic philosophy to life around us?For example: We might be vegetarians, but do we make everyone else’s life miserable, because of it. A Yogi, or Yogini, should cultivate heal...more
Yoga in the West, B.K.S. Iyengar (founder of Iyengar Yoga), Swami Rama (the Himalayan Institute), Swami Satchidananda (Integral Yoga), and Swami Vishnu-devananda (Sivananda Yoga).The transmission of knowledge of yoga is a two-way avenue, however. Because knowledge about yoga has become more widely available in the West, increasingly large numbers of...more
Yoga Styles - Part 2
...lass!Kundalini- A physical and meditative discipline, this style of yoga is more focused on the spiritual and breathing aspects of yoga teachings. The purpose is to use breath control in conjunction with asanas (postures) to free energy in the lower body and allow it to move upward. Kundalini uses rapid and repetitive movements rather than poses held for lo...more
How to Become a Yoga Instructor - The Inside Story
...raining programs at your local yoga studio that require you to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to become a yoga teacher. Shop around until you find a program you like at a reasonable price. Many studios require at least a 200 hour certified yoga teacher (CYT) credential to teach classes.If you want to become a yoga instructor, gather as much information as possible on the sub...more
Yoga - More than the "Aerobics of India"
...ght training. In practice, yoga is an applied science of the mind and body. Yoga is considered by many to be the best health maintenance system in the world.Now you will wonder if learning yoga is really advantageous: some practitioners state that yoga is the meeting of the mind with the divine. Yoga is a form of body conditioning that places emphasis on strengthening the body and...more


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