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Power Yoga: Your Choice for a Healthy Body and Mind
...power yoga beginner. Tell your instructor if you're a first-timer and never stretch to the point that you feel the pain. Since power yoga involves a lot of twisting and weight-bearing moves, you should be especially cautious if you have a history of neck, shoulder, or knee injuries.Power yoga is a big help in training for athletes and also aids in injury pre...more
Top 5 Things You Can Do If You Have Anxiety All The Time
...u shouldn't, etc. etc...4. YOGA. Yes, a DVD or take classes at the gym, but yoga is so fantastic for reducing stress both physically and mentally. I cannot stress enough that yoga is sooo good for you!5. Listen to a hypnosis tape. You can download hypnosis audios now and this I know for me, made the M...more
Bhakti Yoga, The Yoga of Love
... them seem as unimportant as they really are. What drives the devotee is the feeling that his Self is separated from the divine and the consequent desperation of his wish to achieve union, or, better put, the consciousness of union (for union is always there - it is just that the devotee has forgotten that, that he no longer feels it before practicing Bhakt...more
What Is Ashtanga Yoga?
...ead to make life less stressful and happy.The eight limbs which signify Ashthanga Yoga are1. Yama - It reflects the moral and ethical grounds of human behaviorAhimsa: Non-violence Satya: Truthfulness Asteya: No stealing Brahmacharya: Celibacy Aparigraha: Non-covetousness or Envy or possessiveness2. Niyama - It reflects the discip...more
Yogic Philosophy
...l, changeable and destructible. In fact this world does not exist. The world is an imagination of conscious souls only. The conscious souls is the locus on which the world is projected. As in the dream we think the dream objects are real, so the world appears to be real because of ignorance. Once this ignorance disappears...more


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