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The Purpose of Yoga - Inspiration and Goals
...purpose of a goal is for the common good, it is only limited by our imaginations.Unlimited thought is an extremely powerful concept. So far, humankind has taken “baby steps” in technology, and this is within the past few thousand years.What would happen if more people thought, spoke, and acted in a positive way toward social change, world peace, and global warming? Think of all the g...more
The Effects of Yoga on Diabetes
... Reduces stress and high blood pressure Spine and posture Tones and shapes your body Universal and your own consciousness Various yoga techniques keep things interesting Willpower eXuberance for life Your well-being Zeal for lifeOkay, I get it, you want to know the effects on diabetes with Yoga. You know Yoga is the perf...more
Mistaking Our Identity
... are simply tools through which we express ourselves, expand ourselves, discover ourselves. They are not who we are. It stands to reason that we should take inventory from time to time: “Is this tool still serving me as the most appropriate expression of who I am today?” Maybe the tool is still working beautifully. Maybe it needs a little tweaking. Maybe it needs to f...more
7 Important Tips for Yoga Success
...u ahead too quickly. Remember, this is supposed to be fun and relaxing.4. If you can’t find a class that meets your needs, you can always practice yoga at home. There are many books, programs, and tapes available to help you get started. Search for the best products on the Internet and read reviews. Talk to others for recommendations.5...more
Foundations of Yoga: Yama and Niyama, Part 1
...e sense of self-mastery, or abstention, and consists of five elements. Niyama means observances, of which there are also five. Here is the complete list of these ten Pillars as given in Yoga Sutras 2:30,32:1) Ahimsa: non-violence, non-injury, harmlessness2) Satya: truthfulness, honesty3) Asteya: non-stealing, honesty, non-misappropriativeness4) Brahmacharya: sexual continence in...more


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