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Yoga Therapy
...easure from pushing others into pain. They should not be working with the public in any type of care-giving capacity.Where will Yoga therapy go in the future? It is only a matter of time for Yoga to be integrated into standard medical therapies. Being cost efficient, and without negative side effects, has mad...more
Chant OM And Free Yourself From All Ill-Thoughts And Disease
...anding and chanting of OM has a great significance. Om is a syllable(akshara) or a word in Sanskrit. There is no syllable or word neither in Sanskrit nor in any other language of the world as great as OM. The syllable OM is in itself a great hymn(mahamantra). Vedic hymns are chanted only after chanting of OM.Upanishads, the fountainhead of Indian spiritualism describe OM as Brahman. Brahma...more
Yoga Fundamentals: The Seven Chakras will find how these seven chakras can be categorized:Sahasrara - cerebral cortex or top of the head. Ajna - eye brows. Visshudha - throat. Anahata - heart area. Manipura - solar plexus. Svadhistana - lower back or hip, abdomen and genitals. Muladhara - base of the spine.Through the ancient art of yoga you can concentrate your energy to and from the various chakr...more
Universal Laws of Yoga - Part 2
...ys help anyone you can.As a Yoga practitioner, you are an ambassador of Yoga. An “air of superiority” should be avoided by all Yogis and Yoginis. This is seen as arrogance, and arrogance is only needed to bolster the ego. Therefore, be a diplomat, when speaking in terms of Yogic philosophy or vegetarianism.Remember to practice Yoga a...more
Yoga Tips For Happiness Off The Yoga Mat
...e rewards. If you want self-respect, you have to think and speak well of yourself. Consider your accomplishments, and what you have done, for the people around you. Repeated positive affirmations often become reality.Visualization: You should actually take the time to see yourself as worthy, love...more
