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Yoga For Shoulder Pain - 3
... day while you're doing a hard yoga pose, with humeri retracted, the pain in your shoulders leaves you for good.Ask anyone who's had it and they will tell you about their misery--in vivid, excruciating detail. Someone with rotator cuff pain will point to the front of his shoulder when you ask where it hurts. Your own natural healing energy begins to flow through th...more
A "Must Have" Yoga Book
... a priceless reference tool for any serious student, or teacher, of Yoga. For Yoga book collectors, this book will be remembered with your personal favorites.At this time, there is no other book on the market that provides this much in-depth study of the Sanskrit Yoga words and cross references it with English. Words are grouped togethe...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 3
...pects of other Yoga styles. This is the most common form of Yoga outside of India. In the Hatha Yoga family tree are many popular Hatha sub-styles such as: Iyengar, Bikram, Sivananda, Restorative, Power, and Vinyasa Yoga.There are many books and videos about Hatha Yoga on the market. Yet, there are...more
A Brief Introduction To The Science Of Yoga
...rtant in being able to rid the mind of the wrong beliefs mentioned earlier. Proper breathing, proper exercise, proper relaxation and positive thinking all play a part in retraining the belief system.Most people in the West think of unusual and difficult to maintain positions when yoga is mentioned, but this is a small part of the total package. Never...more
Who Would Take an Online Yoga Instructor’s Course and Certification Program?
...mute made a Yoga certification home study course her best option.Some aspiring Yoga students have the goal of certification as an instructor of Yoga - but at what price? Keeping a family together and raising children responsibly are priorities in life.Many companies will not understand, if an employee anno...more


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