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How One Yoga Looking Push-up Can Work The Whole Body
...tine from Sun Salutations to the Breathing Exercises, I have since integrated Hindu-Push ups as a part of my Yoga Exercise regimen...of course with my indispensable Sun Salutations.Several people have since discovered the benefits of this yoga-esque calisthenics exercise that even some go as far as to say it is Yoga. I will have you know that ancie...more
Benefits of Chair Yoga - Part 3
... more, many seniors show much improvement in balancing their bodies within weeks of their first Chair Yoga class. Therefore, flexibility and balance are a significant part of an injury prevention package that can improve, or enhance, the quality of life for seniors. This fact has been realized by seni...more
Yoga & Its Benefits to Health sleep, trying to recoup the energy and vitality they expended during the day. Pleasurable relaxation is often mistaken for the “true” type of relaxation. When we are calm, even soothing music is noise. Those who have practiced Yoga can appreciate total silence. Natural lovers are more sensitive to silence and one has to develop this ...more
The Four Stages of Yoga Evolution
... techniques, which they believed affect the body biochemistry and make it immortal.Post-Classical YogaHere is the rise of prolific literature, the different branches of Yoga including Hatha and Tantra, and the rise of many holistic schools for Yoga. This one relies on appreciating life and accepting the presen...more
Yoga Bolsters
...adapt to unusual positions that one has to go through. Always remember not to push your body beyond what it is capable of. The art and practice of Yoga was never intended to harm the practitioner's body in any way. Without slowly adapting to the processes, one might end up pulling muscles, stretchin...more


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