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Yoga Meditation 101: Breath Awareness and Posture
.... Place a chair at the head of your Yoga mat. Lay down on your Yoga mat, with your feet facing the chair. Then place your lower legs on the seat of the chair. You will want to adjust your body, so that the lower legs are parallel to the floor, the upper legs are perpendicular to the floor, and the back is flat.Now that you have settled in, take some time to observe yo...more
Confessions of a Yoga Teacher care of their bodies, in comparison to the many who don’t want to leave the couch.Aren’t you supposed to jump up and down for at least a half-hour per day to exercise enough to lose weight?Maybe the masses have been “brain washed” into thinking that you have to feel the pain, suffer, starve, and have a near death experience, to lose weight. Depending upon your size, the average ...more
Yoga Benefits - Part I
...l unconvinced about the benefits of Yoga, why not read some yoga books, including yoga books on meditation and spirituality. There are even online yoga books and audiotapes, one can listen to while driving or running errands. Once you are convinced of the benefits of practising Yoga, the next step before beginning to practise it is to equip yourself with some yoga accessories, such as, a y...more
Yoga Instructor Salary - Is Money Evil?
...piritual - right?Once you become a Yoga teacher, you have to come to grips with reality. Is it true that the wealthy are greedy? Many of them give to charity, but some do not. Therefore, having more money does not affect the behavior of giving. Many of the poor give to charity, and some do not.Is money...more
Yoga - Various Types And Various Reasons' practice. The students of Hatha Yoga practice it for the health and vitality that it brings. Hatha Yoga is a wonderful means of stretching, exercising and freeing the body so that it can be healthy. The health of the body is a vital instrument of the soul and mind. Many people who practice Hatha Yoga find that in addition to healthy feeling bodies they become ...more
