
Yoga Jewelry Pregnancy Yoga


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The Purpose of Yoga - Overcoming Hurdles to Blissful Aging
...we lose our awareness. This is why fundamentalism has no place for Yoga. Self-realization would prevent you from joining an angry mob.Blissful living requires complete awareness of all that is good in life. All of life’s treasures are at our feet - if we take the time to look closely. We cannot live forever, but we can take the ...more
Facet Joint and You
...tart to a healthy and happy lifestyle. A certified personal trainer and certified yoga instructor has the knowledge to take you through a safe stretching program that will leave you feeling healthier and happier. Depending on the severity of the facet joint problem, you may have to live your whole life with a constant reminder that it is there. In most cas...more
Universal Laws of Yoga - Part 2
...lf, but you should always help anyone you can.As a Yoga practitioner, you are an ambassador of Yoga. An “air of superiority” should be avoided by all Yogis and Yoginis. This is seen as arrogance, and arrogance is only needed to bolster the ego. Therefore, be a diplomat, when speaking in terms of Yogic philosophy or vegetarianism.Remember to practice Yoga as a lifestyle. Yoga is not just p...more
To Detox or He-tox -- Turkish Super-model Deniz Akkaya Needs to Know
...bserver (titled "If Men Are Damaging Your Health, It's time for a He-Tox"), it said that prime candidates for He-tox treatment usually exhibit symptoms such as: excessive lover's quarrels, crises of jealousy, and sexual infidelity.If that's the case, then Deniz Akkaya should be undergoing a He-tox spa treatment, for sure. Because she's had more m...more
Benefits of Yoga
...tal nourishment is accomplished. The resulting side effect includes delayed ageing, increased energy and a remarkable zest for life.Yoga is also an excellent way to tone your muscles. Muscles which have been flaccid and weak are stimulated repeatedly to shed excess fats and flaccidity.In addition to these numerous physical benefits, yo...more


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