
Iyengar Yoga Cl


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Yoga Teacher Certification or Registration - Part 1
...eam activity. This same lack of credentialing still occurs within Tai Chi and some of the Chinese martial arts. The belief among some traditional Yogis has been that credentials would lead to commercialization.As Yoga became more popular the need for certification became clear. Yoga teachers should be certified for their own protection. With liability...more
Digestive Disorders - Yoga Management to Vata types, as long as the person has the strength to do them.** One of the digestive benefits of yoga is that it restricts the blood flow to certain parts of the body while holding some poses. Once these poses are released, this area of the body is then flooded with blood and thus, oxygen. Oxygen has healing properties and ...more
5 Gifts to make Labor and Birth Easier, or or www.beautifulbeginnings.org4. Prenatal Yoga Series or DVD- Research has proven that yoga can: • Relieve back pain • Induce relaxation and relieve stress • Increase stamina • Produce healthier babies and mothers • By working on breath control exercises, mothers are better able to use their breath to relax during la...more
Laughter Yoga In A Nutshell
...e the hands together at the heart chakra, close the eyes and bow the head--or shake hands and laugh, making sure to look into other people's eyes.- A popular exercise is "Lion Laughter": thrust out the tongue, widen the eyes, and stretch the hands out like claws while laughing.- Another improv-style exerc...more
Yoga for Pain
...rom pain and help students to manage it better, with no adverse side effects.The lifestyle changes that occur after regularly practicing Yoga, will cause Yoga students to evaluate everything they do, and everything they eat. Yoga is not just another exercise program or some fad that just came along within the least decade. According to ...more


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