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Surfing in 5 Easy Steps
....Remember the more flotation, the easier it will be to stand up but it will be harder to push through the waves and get out the back.4. Practice yoga and sunsalutations.Practicing yoga and learning to focus and balance will not only help you master the mindset side of surfing but will also help to avoid injury and increase flexibility. Sun salut...more
Karmic Yoga Where You Are
...nsformed. Mediation, renunciation, and sacrifice help to dissolve the ego like a shell around a seed, so that what is inside, the divine spark, can transform us to do the work of Love in the world. We can do this anywhere, even on our jobs.How is your job? Is there a way that you can kick the meaningfulness of your job to a higher level? Is there a way ...more
Getting Started with Yoga
...spirit and invoke a sense of peace and rest. It’s not scary at all, and, after learning a few basics, even the biggest novice can take yoga to the mat. TWISTED is a medical yoga studio at the Center for Osteopathic Medicine in Boulder, Colorado. Twisted integrates osteopathic medicine, hatha yoga and mindfulness practices to teac...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Physical Limits of Yoga Students
... after repeated warnings, from his or her Yoga teacher, needs a "baby sitter." You may have to talk to a competitive Yoga student, in private, and express realistic concerns about potential injury, which can result from using force.Unfortunately, if you have a student who does not listen to your repeated warnings, you may have to ask him...more
How to Choose a Yoga Mat
...y from yoga altogether! First of all, it's very thin and doesn't provide much in the way of cushioning. Additionally it really smells of chemicals, and these chemicals are not conducive to good health! These types of mats are made from Phthalates. This chemical turns hard plastic soft and causes lung and kidney damage in rats. Don't ...more


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